The Parable of the Iron

I was ironing one Sunday trying to get my five kids ready for church and my iron refused to produce any steam. I was getting increasingly frustrated as I tried to get out some stubborn wrinkles without the help of the steam. Suddenly I realized my iron wasn't broken, I had just forgotten to put in the water! After filling the iron with water I continued ironing with much better success. As I did this I thought about how sometimes I feel like I'm running out of steam. Many times I have felt like maybe I was broken when really I had just forgotten to fill up on the living water of the gospel. Filing up on the gospel can reenergize our spirits and help smooth out the stubborn wrinkles in life. This blog is dedicated to providing a little daily water to those who are running out of steam!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Letting go of your burdens

In the Book of Mormon we learn of a man named Nephi.  Nephi's family was traveling in the wilderness to go to the promised land because Heavenly Father had commanded them to go.  Nephi's father Lehi, a prophet, told Nephi and his brothers that they needed to return to Jerusalem to obtain the brass plates, which were scriptures, so they would have the word of God when they got to the promised land.  A man named Laban had them in his treasury.  Nephi and his brothers went and asked Laban for them.  They were told no.  They returned to their home and gathered up all of their valuable possessions and returned to Laban and attempted to buy the brass plates.  However, Laban took the valuables and commanded that the group be killed.  Nephi and his brothers escaped but still did not have the plates.  Nephi showed great courage when he told his brothers "I will go and do what the Lord has commanded, for I know the Lord giveth no commandment unto the children of men save he shall prepare a way for them to accomplish it."  Nephi then went back to Laban's "not knowing beforehand" what he would do.  Nephi came upon Laban who was lying down drunk.  The Lord told Nephi to kill Laban because "it is better that one man perish than an entire nation dwindle in unbelief."  Nephi shrunk from this task but in the end he found courage and picked up Laban's sword and did as he was commanded.

So how does this relate to us?  Laban was hindering the spiritual progression of an entire people.   In our own lives what burden is hindering your spiritual progression?  Maybe I should ask what are the Labans in your life?  Is there someone you need to forgive, or sin you need to repent of, or things you need to be more consistent in?  The sword often represents the word of God in the scriptures. Nephi used a sword to remove Laban as an obstacle.  We can use the word of God to remove our burdens.  Reading the scriptures can bring the power of the Spirit into our lives which gives us the power to cut out the burdens that are hindering our own spiritual progression.  After Nephi had killed Laban he put on armor.  Once we have let go of a burden we need to make sure we are fortified with the armor of God so that we can be strong enough to not put our burdens back on.