The Parable of the Iron

I was ironing one Sunday trying to get my five kids ready for church and my iron refused to produce any steam. I was getting increasingly frustrated as I tried to get out some stubborn wrinkles without the help of the steam. Suddenly I realized my iron wasn't broken, I had just forgotten to put in the water! After filling the iron with water I continued ironing with much better success. As I did this I thought about how sometimes I feel like I'm running out of steam. Many times I have felt like maybe I was broken when really I had just forgotten to fill up on the living water of the gospel. Filing up on the gospel can reenergize our spirits and help smooth out the stubborn wrinkles in life. This blog is dedicated to providing a little daily water to those who are running out of steam!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Christ can calm your troubled water

Think of the Ocean.  Imagine a beautiful day on the beach.  The sun is shining and many people are out enjoying recreation and relaxation.  But is the ocean always like this?  No.  Now imagine a great and terrible storm.  The ocean can bring great devastation.  There are also many days somewhere in between.

There are always waves in the ocean - sometimes small and sometimes large but always present.  The ocean can be shallow when first entered into but then go to great depths.  The seasons can affect the ocean.  People can pollute the ocean.  There are many complexities below the surface of the ocean and it is constantly changing.

 Now relate this to our emotions or our lives.  There are many bright sunny days, but also many storms and many days somewhere in between.  Our emotions or also trials in life can come in waves- sometimes small and sometimes large but always present.  When we meet people we only see the surface, but as we get to know them we can see their depth of character.  The seasons in our lives can affect how we feel.  Additionally, just as we can pollute the ocean we can also pollute each other with the things we say and how we treat each other.  Some pollution can be easy to clean up such as picking up a piece of trash but others are more like the great oil spills that take huge amounts of time and effort to recover from.  Don't cause an "emotional oil spill" for someone.  And just as the ocean is constantly changing we can also change and grow as we learn from our experiences in life.

Now that you are thinking about this ocean I want you to picture a wooden fishing boat from the time of Christ.  This boat is out in the ocean during a terrible storm.  You are on this boat.  You are with Christ's apostles and you look up and see someone walking across the water.  Christ is coming toward the boat and is calming the storm.  Just as Christ had the power to walk on the water and calm the storm, if you allow him, he can walk into your heart and calm your troubled water.
Additional study:  Matthew 14:22-33