I had really been encouraging my children to think about what they say in their prayers. I wanted them to really let Heavenly Father know what they were thinking about. So, my son was saying the blessing on the food one evening and took my advice to heart. He said, "We thank thee for the food. We thank thee for the fruit, but not the veggies because I really don't like those." This gave me a good laugh and made me feel like at least he was trying to take my advice to heart. Also, it got me thinking.
Veggies are good for us. They provide us with many nutrients that we need. However, bread really fills us up. If you eat only veggies you usually don't feel as full or satisfied. Bread can fill us up and make us feel good. In fact it is often referred to as comfort food. The scriptures refer to Christ and his gospel as the "Bread of Life." We use bread as a symbol of Christ's body during the sacrament. The gospel can fill us up until we feel satisfied and comforted.
Sometimes when I try out various diets that cut out all carbs I feel as if I am walking around hungry and unsatisfied. Our Spirits can often feel the same way if we neglect our scripture reading or prayers. If you are walking around feeling spiritually or emotionally hungry or tired and you are looking for comfort, then turn to the Savior who can fill you up. His gospel can provide the means for you to feel satisfied in life.
Partake of this Bread of Life by opening up the scriptures and "feasting upon the word."There is a reason the scriptures say the "Bread of life" and not the veggies of life. Veggies are good but bread satisfies you hunger and fills you up. Feed your soul today!