Monday, April 25, 2011
Coming together in our relationships
I want you to think of a river. This river is very deep and swift with dangerous rapids. You know if you stepped into the river you would get swept away. Now imagine that your spouse or loved one is on the other side. You want to get to them very badly but you can't find a way across the river. How would you feel at this point? Discouraged, sad, frustrated? Now, all of a sudden there is a bridge. The bridge is very sturdy and can hold the weight of anything put on it. The bridge is right in front of you. How easy to just step onto the bridge and run to your loved one as if the river was not an obstacle or did not even exist. In this analogy the river can represent any issue or pain that may cause an emotional separation in a relationship, whether large or small. There may be times when it seems impossible or even dangerous to submerge ourselves into this river. However, the bridge represents Christ and His atonement. With the help of our Savior and mutual forgiveness and love, our relationships and souls can find complete healing as if that river was not even there. This bridge of atonement an help us come together in our relationships.