I was sitting in Sacrament meeting one Sunday morning trying to keep my kids quiet while the sacrament was being passed. It is often difficult for me to completely focus on the Savior during the Sacrament since my attention is split between trying to think about Jesus and keeping 5 young children in line. This particular day my thoughts wandered to thoughts of the apostles that were waiting while Christ was suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane. Christ was utterly alone in this experience. He went out to where His friends were waiting and they had fallen asleep. He asked them "will you not watch with me one hour?" I started to think about if I had been with the Savior at that time. I would have wanted to stay awake to provide comfort to Him in His time of need. I started to think that it wasn't very good of the apostles to fall asleep when the Savior wanted them to stay up with Him. Then a thought came so clearly and directly to my mind that I cannot dispute the source being directly from the Savior to me through the power of the Holy Ghost. "Will you not watch with me one hour."
I realized that I had effectively "fallen asleep" many times by not directing my thoughts to the Savior during the partaking of the Sacrament. He wants us to stay awake and watch with Him by directing our thoughts and actions toward Him throughout our lives.